About us
In 2012, we learned of a family of 5 in our neighborhood who were facing foreclosure and were in dire need. The father was battling diabetes, and surgery had been scheduled to remove part of his foot. The mom was legally blind, and they were raising 3 children. They had found a place to live, but the home was in need of lots of repairs. A small group of us reached out to help, and invited other churches, businesses and individuals to join in the effort.
While working on the project, we were made aware of another nearby family in need, and then another. Families living without beds and hot water; a mom without a stove to cook for her children; people who had lost everything in a fire. It was heartbreaking to learn of so many needs in our own 'backyard' and neighboring communities. That is when God opened our eyes to see our mission field, and instructed us to "get off our pews" and start living out who we claimed to be as Christians - to become "doers of the Word, and not hearers only." (James 1:22)
Since that time, Ever Reaching Community Outreach ("ERCO") has, by the grace of God and the support of many, grown into a sizeable grassroots movement that now serves as a food pantry, feeding thousands each year from up to 15 Mississippi counties; a donation center that provides free clothes, housewares, furniture and, at times, appliances; a resource network that partners with multiple organizations and works collaboratively together to meet needs; and a provider of hope that shows Christ's love and shares the message of hope and faith in Jesus Christ.
We are all called to be doers of the Word, and we would sincerely appreciate your support - whether through prayers, financial donations, physical donations and/or volunteering. Please help us continue to be ever reaching out to help those in need.